November 15, 2017

Using Building Energy Modeling to Work Toward Zero Energy Status

Approximately 48 percent of energy in the U.S. goes to residential and commercial buildings. For most properties, energy use is the top operating expense; it’s common to see an average of one-third of a typical operating budget being spent on energy consumption. Thankfully, there are ways around this. Commercial building and business owners can reduce operating expenses and work toward zero energy status by becoming more energy efficient, thus increasing profits and property asset values. It begins with building energy modeling.

Using Building Energy Modeling to Achieve a Zero Energy Building

And one of the key initial components to achieve zero energy begins with building energy modeling. Energy modeling uses computer-based software to simulate a building’s energy usage which helps to determine the most cost effective mix of energy saving technologies such as insulation, living walls, heating and cooling, windows, shading systems, hot water use, appliances, ventilation, solar PV, daylighting, smart energy management systems and zero energy commercial building construction costs.

Predicting Energy Performance

To predict energy performance as closely as possible, energy simulation takes into account variables such as local climate data, the commercial building location, building orientation, as well as occupancy and operational schedules.

Achieving Zero Energy

By drastically reducing energy use, zero energy buildings can slash energy demands by supplying energy needs from renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and sustainable building designs. Not only do zero energy buildings cut net energy use and net carbon emissions, but they also decrease the cost of ownership, enhance quality of life for occupants and much more.

Benefits of Building Energy Modeling

  • Provide valuable data for reaching building energy savings goals before the construction process even begins, thus offering a competitive differentiation risk reduction for business tenants.
  • Understand building energy performance to determine what kind of design or retrofit solutions will provide the best energy conservation options.
  • Implement future strategies for energy savings based on energy cost predictions that ultimately increase building value .
  • Optimize building designs with innovative technologies and modernized mechanical solutions that maximize energy savings and exceed energy codes.
  • Protect your bottom line through a reduction in utility bills, protection against rising energy costs, and minimized operations and maintenance costs.
  • Improve building occupant comfort, productivity and loyalty associated with an enhanced “green” brand image.

Today’s market is highly competitive. Differentiate yourself with a high performing building that delivers on much more than ROI. The first step to accurately evaluate energy reduction strategies and start making improvements in your building’s energy consumption begins with building energy modeling.

KMB Building Energy Modeling Services

It’s essential to work with a trusted energy engineering company as you work toward zero energy status. At KMB Design Group, we provide engineering modeling services, monitoring services, analysis and recommendations and engineering solutions that maximize each client’s unique goals. As a recognized leader in commercial PV Engineering, KMB is also positioned to support our clients throughout the process of solar installation.

As a full-service engineering solutions provider licensed in the United States and Europe, we take a systematic approach to develop comprehensive engineering solutions and understand the specific energy-conserving measures incorporated into sustainable building designs to ensure the most economically sound alternatives are presented.

Contact us to learn more about building energy modeling and how to incorporate energy efficient design solutions that deliver results.

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