May 8, 2015

Cyber Security

Any data breach can have a devastating effect on an organization and their reputation. Unfortunately, many businesses are not prepared and when an attack occurs, they often feel puzzled on how to proceed. Today, the regulatory oversight surrounding security breaches and their notification is very strong and is strictly enforced. Thirty-five states, plus the District of Columbia, have now enacted laws (California – 2003, Florida – 2005) requiring businesses to provide notice of security breaches affecting personal information.

Recognizing Cyber Security Risks

Recognizing issues and cyber security risks posed by insecure data protection should be a key concern for any business. With focus on innovative products, a fantastic sales team and great business model, this potential risk can often be overlooked. How can you be sure that an attacker isn’t already lurking in your network? If a threat is identified, does your company know how to respond to lessen the damage so your brand’s reputation and value are protected? With the explosion of BYOD, it now becomes more important than ever to keep corporate and customer data secure and requires best-practices for cyber security to be taken into consideration.

KMB IT Services

KMB offers cyber security IT services for business including penetration testing, intrusion analysis, security assessments, and remediation:

Penetration Testing

The challenge for any IT organization is to prioritize and assess security vulnerability information just as they would could be by a cyber-hacking adversary. Penetration testing services help you test your network security defenses and meet compliance with government or industry regulations. Also known as ethical hacking, penetration testing determines how well your company’s security policies are actually protecting your assets by trying to gain access to your network.

Intrusion Analysis

When facing a suspected cyber security incident, a number of challenges arise. It’s critical to determine what has actually happened (was it a system hack or a data corruption?) as well was finding out what information has been disclosed, stolen or corrupted to unauthorized individuals. An intrusion analysis can identify and capture lost critical data as well as help to identify the source of the security breach.

Security Assessments

A comprehensive security assessment will help you to obtain an accurate understanding of your security, potential risks as well as any internal or external vulnerabilities while ensuring industry regulatory compliance. The assessment is based on your company’s risk, probability and exploitation of attack along with the potential impact it could have on your business.


Once security assessments have been conducted, an effective remediation plan is set into place to allow your organization to achieve an effective cyber-defense.

Protect Your Business with KMB

KMB IT Services take an interactive approach to solution building where we communicate with key stakeholders and develop a strategy that is beneficial with the least amount of disruption. With these reports and feedback in hand, management can move forward with a more thorough understanding of their cyber security environment. KMB has the experience, resources and technical skills required to meet all of your IT needs.