March 27, 2017

Is Your Network Ready For NG9‐1‐1?

Emergency calling is going beyond the traditional voice 9-1-1 call and evolving into Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1).

Is your network ready?

What is NG9-1-1?

NetworkIn an effort to create a faster, more flexible, resilient and scalable system that allows 911 to keep up with communication technology, the NG9-1-1 network was born. Next Generation 9-1-1 is designed to enhance existing narrowband in a growing wireless mobile society. NG9-1-1 is an Internet Protocol (IP)-based system which allows digital information (such as photos, videos and text messages) to flow seamlessly from the public through the 911 network and to emergency responders.

According to, “Citizens in need of emergency assistance will be able to transmit photos, videos and other existing and future forms of broadband data and applications, in addition to voice, to 911 professionals. This could include streaming video from an emergency incident, photos of accident damage or a fleeing suspect, or medical information, all of which would greatly aid 911 professionals in assisting the caller or communicating with field responders and incident commanders.”

Transitioning to NG9-1-1

Although initial planning for NG9-1-1 started back in 2000, many have yet to integrate Next Generation 9-1-1 services. Why? Transitioning to NG9-1-1 is more than just getting new computers. This system, comprised of hardware, software, data and operational policies, relies on 9-1-1 specific application functionality on an Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) to deliver voice, video, text and data.

The goal, according to Next Generation 911 NOW, is to have NG9-1-1 available nationwide by the end of 2020.

To make it a reality, many parts of existing communications and data infrastructure will require modifications which will affect private companies and public agencies who provide these services. These include: state and local 9-1-1 agencies, telecommunications equipment and service providers, hazmat security alerts, security alarm notification system providers, first responders and more.

Telecom Services for Public Safety

Police, fire, EMS and other first responders as well as Federal government agencies all rely on emergency services communications and corresponding interoperability as their lifeline. Therefore, public safety telecommunications infrastructures must be reliable and effective to allow them to do their jobs safely and quickly. Because when lives are at stake, there’s no room for error.

As public safety systems become more interconnected, many will require updates with a strong focus on high-speed data networks, interoperability, ease of maintenance and system redundancy. But fulfilling these requirements in a rapidly-changing global environment is harder then it seems.

KMB Design Group helps organizations manage and transform their public safety telecommunication needs in this evolving environment. As a leading telecom engineering firm, we provide comprehensive Turnkey Telecommunications deployment services with professional engineers on staff to manage public safety consulting and customize a solution for even the most challenging project.

Whether you’re in need of public safety communications interoperability, telecommunication engineering services, A&E design, proposal development, or general construction, trust in KMB to deliver.

For more information on how KMB can help you with your Public Safety telecommunication projects, contact us directly at 855-755-6234.