December 9, 2015

“Resimercial” Architectural Engineering Trends Influencing the Modern Workplace

The modern office design has evolved to match the new generation of employees who are looking for more creative and environmentally friendly concepts in their workplaces. Office buildings and corporate interiors have moved away from straight lines and thick walls to more of an open space that encourages fluidity and collaboration among the staff. Companies who embrace these modern architectural engineering trends will rise to the top and see a true increase in the success of their business, happier, healthier employees and a more profitable work environment.

Maximize Employee Retention

According to a recent Gallup poll, 70% of the workforce is disengaged, yet most organizations can’t connect the dots between office design and innovation. The answer? Make the space homier.

Building Design and Construction magazine examines these top modern office design trends, “Driven by changing work styles, mobile technology, and the growing presence of Millennials, today’s workplaces are changing, mostly for the better.”

Work is an employee’s home away from home. Creating a bridge from residential to commercial, known in the architectural engineering industry as “resimercial,” combines the intricacies of residential design within a commercial setting. The theory is that more comfortable work environments tend to help workers relax and collaborate more naturally. Embody this homelike trend into commercial spaces and you’ll give your employees a place where they want to stay longer, work harder and have a lot more fun being there.

Consider Space Needs

Although perimeter offices are disappearing and floor plans are opening up, this dynamic workspace also needs to provide privacy for those who need to make conference calls or require confidentiality. In addition, don’t forget about “fun space” like trendy break rooms, cafés and engaging conference room space.


As the day changes, so should the color temperature of the office space lighting. Architectural daylighting is an important element of sustainable design; rather than relying solely on electric lighting during the day, daylighting brings indirect natural light into the building. Allowing natural light encourages productivity and keeps the staff engaged. An effectively day lit building is the product of a combination of architecture and engineering and requires an integrated design approach to be successful.

Office Layout

A strategic approach to office layout—one in which interiors experts integrate design goals and business objectives—can facilitate reengineering of work processes, encourage teamwork, flatten hierarchies and lead to healthy cultural change within a company.


Sustainable building design also plays a key role in helping business owners reduce resources while maintaining a higher quality indoor environment. The most effective sustainable building designs should have minimum harmful impacts on the surrounding environments, promote health and productivity, as well as be beautiful and inspirational.

Leading Architectural Engineering Firm

We understand that one company’s preference may be another’s rule to avoid; fortunately, problem solving is our passion. KMB’s architectural engineering staff has vast experience designing for a wide variety of needs.

Regardless, employees are much more likely to stay at a job when they like the environment where they work which is why every employer should carefully review their physical space to ensure maximum financial return for their business.

At KMB, a leading architectural engineering firm, our philosophy is first to understand, then provide appropriate solutions and designs, not born out of our personal preferences, but incorporating experience from previous successful projects, that align with our clients desires. We share the opinions and takes from both positive and negative outcomes, but provide options and even recommendations, with no ego attached to our ideas.