July 18, 2017

Progressive Telecom Services for Educational Institutions

Telecom ServicesToday’s generation is more connected than ever. Whether via smart phone, tablet, or laptop and even by smart watch and smart home devices, we’re living in an on-demand world that relies on a constant connection where ever we go. It makes sense then, that industry leaders, like educational institutions, should set students and faculty up for success with all the connectivity solutions they need. The engineers at KMB understand how challenging it can be to balance budget with new technology, which is why we are focused on offering progressive and affordable telecom services to meet your project goals.

Educational Institutions Rely on Progressive Telecom Services

Nearly 92% of 18-29-year-olds own a smartphone. The sheer number of users in today’s network-enabled learning environments, along with their multiple devices, creates unique challenges. With more learning technology resources available to school districts than ever before, many are discovering that their networks may not be keeping up.

Progressive educational institutions understand the need to eliminate spotty connectivity islands and leverage one centrally managed network for reliable end-to-end connectivity. Additionally, it is imperative to have seamless communication between employees and students, especially in times of emergencies or extreme weather events. Providing adequate bandwidth will not only accommodate the exponential growth in data demands for emergencies and e-learning purposes, but outside the classroom as well.

A recent study by the Department of Communications at William Paterson University showed that college students are consuming media at a massive rate, mainly on their smartphone devices and not just for learning. The study discovered that only about 10 percent of college students use televisions as their primary way to consume videos and TV shows. Instead, they stream videos on their smartphones.

With statistics like these, it’s evident that schools need to have confidence in their connectivity.

KMB Telecom Services

As mobile demands continue to evolve, educational institutions must implement a reliable network solution that not only meets today’s technology needs, but also one that is future-proof. Whether for fast, broadband Internet access in the classroom, access to Wi-Fi in dormitories, or imperative school safety in sports venues, students and faculty need reliable access to high-capacity internet every day.

Offer complete coverage and keep your school’s campus on the cutting edge with progressive telecom services from KMB. Using the latest in technology, our team of experts has the A&E telecommunications engineering skills required to provide customized designs that will meet any sized need and budget. We work directly with administrators to design a reliable and cost-effective solution that schools, colleges, and universities require for their campus.

Technology is changing at warp speed. Are you keeping up?

For more information about telecom services for educational institutions in the United States and Europe, please contact KMB, your trusted partner for delivering desired results. Call 855-755-6234 today.