June 26, 2014

Types of Solar Panel Installation

Making the decision to invest in solar energy technology yields many benefits. Understanding which type of solar panel installation is right for you and your company is important. Here are three distinctive mounting options to consider for solar panel installation:

Rooftop Installations – Rooftop solar energy systems are one of the most popular and affordable solar energy solutions on the market today. From small peak, roof-mount systems for municipal facilities to large ballasted rooftop systems for commercial and educational facilities, rooftop photovoltaic structures can increase the value of your property by creating revenue from unused roof space and hedge against rising utility rates. Rooftops suitable for a PV array should be flat or angled to get good sun exposure (not shaded by mountains, trees or other structures) and relatively free of obstructions in order to permit the PV installation. Flat roof solar panel installation is the easiest way to go solar on your building, offering flexibility for orientation and tilting to gain ideal solar collection. They are typically used on commercial installations with a ballasted mount (using weights to hold the solar array instead of bolting it down), mechanically attached mount (attached to posts secured in the roof beams), or via a hybrid mount (often referred to as a minimally attached system using some structural attachments combined with typical ballasted design).

Canopy Installations – Canopy-mounted photovoltaic structures are ideal for elevated solar power systems above wastewater tanks, parking lots or open areas adjacent to facilities. Adaptable by design, canopy solar panel installation accommodates all different types of topography contours. Each system is uniquely engineered to optimize energy output in your available space – ultimately maximizing your return on investment.

Ground Mount Installations – Ground Mount solar systems provide the flexibility to install arrays in open spaces when available roof area is limited, obstructed or nonexistent. The solar panel installation for these types of systems involves a wedge structure made of steel that anchors the solar panels to a concrete foundation. They can range in size dramatically and can be adapted to a variety of locations offering different foundation and installation approaches for addressing uneven terrain and various soil types and conditions. Adjusting the tilt angle and azimuth with ground mounts can optimize performance. And while PV arrays don’t have to be cleaned, spotless modules do produce more energy; ground mounted solar systems can be more easily washed than rooftop installations. Ground mount solar systems are typically made of anodized aluminum, steel or a combination of aluminum and steel components.

KMB Design Group is at the forefront of the escalating solar industry, and is considered a leading consulting firm in the renewable energy field providing photovoltaic design and engineering services. We have provided designs and engineering services for over 325 locations and 250 Megawatts (MW) for a wide range of solar panel installation options from small scale (less then 10KW) to large scale (over 8MW). We are a leading consulting firm providing photovoltaic design & engineering services; licensed in 49 states, we have the ability to work nationally without limitations.