August 30, 2022

Concept to Cultivation to Attend 2022 New Jersey Cannabis Conference

Concept to Cultivation to Attend 2022 New Jersey Cannabis Conference

Concept to Cultivation is a unique task force launched by KMB Design Group focused on providing solutions for legal cannabis growers and new licensees. Members of this unique task force team will attend the 3rd annual New Jersey Cannabis Convention, taking place on September 9th and 10th, in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

The event will be hosted by NECANN, an organization dedicated to developing engaging conversations among those in the cannabis industry. NECANN has been expanding market opportunities for businesses, entrepreneurs, investors, educators, patients, advocates, and consumers for nearly two decades by hosting educational conferences and conventions, like the 2022 New Jersey Cannabis Convention.

NECANN conventions are focused on the current state and potential for each local cannabis market. This year’s New Jersey cannabis conference is expected to host the largest, most comprehensive group of cannabis industry professionals of any event on the east coast.

The Concept to Cultivation team of experts is eager to participate in the collaborative opportunity, sharing insights with fellow industry players and learning from top cannabis-industry entrepreneurs.

Since becoming the 14th state to legalize marijuana entirely, in February 2021, the cannabis market in New Jersey has continued to blossom. Cannabis businesses, entrepreneurs, investors, and educators have flocked to New Jersey, and Atlantic City in particular, because of its untapped potential.

Our team will be joining in cultivating cannabis communities for the duration of the convention, forming industry partnerships and connections that will ultimately benefit the company’s clients. With cannabis industry rules changing quickly, participating in industry conventions is one way for this team to stay current on the latest compliance requirements and marketplace trends.

Concept to Cultivation’s team has expertise in all aspects of cannabis business development. From cannabis cultivation to professional engineering and facility design, Concept to Cultivation uses the latest strategies in technical design, financial structuring, and project planning, to help cannabis licensees design optimized infrastructures in a low-cost and accelerated manner. Concept to Cultivation has the tools to guide startups from an idea to a profitable launch. To learn more about our full suite of cannabis solutions, visit