July 29, 2015

Cyber Security Protection: Has Your Data Been Hacked?

Most companies assume that internal IT infrastructure is a secure zone, and is free from any malicious third party compromise. Unfortunately, this is not reality, as network intrusions, malware infections, data thefts and other malicious activities are not being detected in many business networks. According to the Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report, every business network analyzed by Cisco, has traffic going to websites that host malware, which could be putting your network at risk.

But the good news is: “The bad guys are getting good, and the good guys are getting even better.”

Importance of Cyber Security

Cyber security concerns more than just the Information Technology (IT) department, it affects your entire business. As our world continues to become more and more interconnected, cyber security becomes more and more important. It is a risk that is constantly evolving and is faced by every business (including financial services, government, and healthcare) and organization (including schools and churches) that use technology. No company is immune. Cyber-attacks are complex and KMB is committed to keeping your information safe.

How to Tell if your Network has been Hacked

While older attacks on sites used to leave obvious trails of breadcrumbs, many of today’s hackers are able to go undetected. Since these attacks can take longer to be detected, they become even longer to clean up! From penetration testing and security assessments to intrusion analysis and remediation, KMB focuses on the technology logistics so you can focus on your business. But, there are a few things to keep your eye out for to tell if your network has been hacked.

  • Monitor for Unusual Activity

While it can be hard to track your entire site, it is important to keep a close eye on your site’s activity. An unusual spike in visitors to an old post or a large number of visitors from a foreign country may be a red flag that your site has been hacked. Luckily, there are programs that your company can install to help monitor site activity. At KMB, our services include information technology consultancy and vulnerability analysis to assess the security in your network.

  • Take a Close Look at your Files

Examine the coding of your files to check for problems. Hackers commonly attack at 3 points:

      1. .htaccess files
      2. .php files
      3. media files

Hackers often insert hidden links to dangerous sites or even recode files on your site and can disguise malware into code, making it difficult to track. Our IT cyber security experts know exactly what to look for and will install an intrusion prevention system to maximize your data security.

  •  Implement Security Tools

Implementing security tools you can help protect your site and identify any gaps in your network security. At KMB, our firewall intrusion protection services can be a great first line of defense. Businesses can install programs to help monitor site activity and scan for viruses, SPAM, phishing attempts, malicious redirects and more. However, these programs are only as useful as you make them. By not checking them regularly or implementing intrusion detection systems to alert you of potential problems, malicious activity can continue on your site without being detected.

Critical Infrastructure Security Tips

When it comes to the safety of your organization, it is best to be proactive. While consistent monitoring of your site is crucial to detecting malicious activity, there are other small steps you can take to keep your system safe.
● Develop and implement security policies
● Use a strong password generator and frequently change passwords
● Removing old or unnecessary content
● Use a secure connections
● Keep core installations up to date
● Protect sensitive files and folders with strong passwords or firewalls

KMB Has the Tools to Protect your Site

At KMB, we understand how important it is to keep your data safe from hackers. With years of experience, we focus on technology logistics, so you don’t have to. Several of our services include penetration testing, vulnerability analysis, network testing and evaluation and security assessment and authorization compliance. From IT gap analysis, IT, strategic and technical consulting, we are able to determine the best methods of protecting your company site from hackers. We will develop security policies, set up firewall intrusion protection, and implement intrusion detection systems for any size business or organization. No matter what protective services or consultations your company requires, KMB has the experience and knowledge to protect your network from becoming compromised. Contact us today to get started!