A popular buzzword today, it seems that the “cloud” has taken over. Many people find themselves wondering what and where the cloud is. Virtualization and cloud computing have been around since the early ’60s but was not brought to the forefront until the mid-2000s. It can be a confusing concept to grasp, like some mystical file floating in space. Unlike the clouds in the sky, this cloud is virtual, and is the way of the future. Get to know the basics of cloud computing and the importance they have for businesses of any size.
Cloud Computing Basics:
Simply put, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and other programs over the internet. Traditionally, data has been stored locally on a computer’s hard drive. On the other hand, the cloud (which is more or less so a metaphor for the web), stores your data over the internet, and not locally. This allows for access to your data when you are away from your computer and does not require you to travel with a USB drive or external hard drive.
As mentioned, cloud computing means businesses can easily access and share data or programs over the internet and have that data be immediately synchronized with other individuals. While this may seem confusing, this means that if you have your data “on the cloud,” all you need is an online connection to reach all your data and programs, allowing access anytime, anywhere, from any device.
Cloud Examples:
As an individual, or even a small company, you may already be familiar with several major examples of cloud computing. Google Drive is one of the most popular and most impressive cloud-based storage options available. A free system, Google Drive allows users to upload, create, and edit content online. This content is saved on the cloud and can even be shared with others if you choose to “share” the file.
For Apple users, Apple iCloud is a cloud-based system for individuals to store contacts, calendar, email, photos and more. While iCloud is great for backing up individual data, it does lack the ability to upload personal files or sync folders, making it very app-centric.
There are numerous other cloud computing options, such as Microsoft’s Office Online, Dropbox, Box, and others, but many of these are consumer-focused products. For larger companies with more complex data and storage needs, KMB offers B2B IT cloud services which include:
• Cloud Assessment; are you ready for the cloud?
• Server and/or application virtualization
• Storage virtualization
• Virtual datacenter
• Self-service provisioning
• Software defined services
• Capacity and performance on-demand
• Cloud-based backups and archives
Security of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a safe method for storing and accessing data. Confusion regarding who owns the data you store online can be a point of concern, and possible internet outages can affect your ability to retrieve your data, however, cloud computing is still a safe storage option. There are several steps you can take to optimize the safety of your data in the cloud:
1. Check security and compliance policies before uploading any data
2. Expect or request timely independent 3rd party audit reports from the provider
3. Manage people and roles to allow access only to employees who are entitled (by rank, by division, however you so choose)
4. Familiarize yourself with how to protect data on the cloud and enforce privacy policies
5. Ensure cloud networks and connections are secure
Importance of Business Virtualization and Cloud Computing
At KMB, we see and understand the importance of adopting cloud computing. We are here to help companies navigate misinformation regarding cloud computing and find the right solution for their needs. From services such as cloud assessment to storage virtualization and cloud-based backups and archives, KMB is ready to help find the perfect cloud for your company.
KMB Design Group provides comprehensive engineering solutions for our clients, helping guide projects from conception through finishing touches. Our environmentally-friendly services include telecommunications, facilities and energy engineering, solar engineering and IT services. Contact us today to learn more.