September 3, 2015

Staying Protected While Staying Connected

Mobile Application Management Solutions

BYOD (bring your own device) solutions and technologies for small businesses are quickly evolving and becoming critical productivity tool. With the explosion in mobile devices, including laptops, tablets, smartphones and others, employees easily have these productivity tools right at their fingertips anytime and anywhere. However, this productivity driver can also pose complex IT security challenges. KMB IT Services Company provides organizations a security solution for their on-the-go workforce to defeat these mobile threats without compromising sensitive data.

Evolving Data Platforms

In the past, many organizations have depended on the security and manageability of the BlackBerry, and most are now being forced to develop management and support solutions that address iPhones, Androids, tablets and more. The key concern for IT departments now is how to best secure these devices. The first step will be to define what you have to support and to what degree by updating your mobile device policy.

KMB Mobile Threat Protection

Successful mobile application management (MAM) requires a solution that has the ability to secure mobile applications on any device, separate business and personal apps, and authenticate the user. Mobile devices face many different threats that pose significant risks to corporate data. Just like desktop computers, smartphones are susceptible to digital attacks and are also highly vulnerable to physical attacks. Protect your sensitive data by offering a security solution for your mobile workforce:

  • Detect threats such as mobile malware, spyware, viruses and Trojans.
  • Prevent eavesdropping and data leakage. Data sent from a client to the enterprise server may be unencrypted opening the doors for intruders to eavesdrop on sensitive communications.
  • View and approve side-loaded applications. Unlicensed and unmanaged apps can result in legal costs.
  • Identify devices that have hacked; restricting unauthorized access.
  • Provide a secure BYOD solution for employees

Mobile Wireless Solutions

We know how important your data is; that’s why at KMB we are committed to keeping your information safe. Predict, detect and fix mobile threats before they impact your company. While the risks associated with enterprise mobility and BYOD are largely inherent, implementing IT services such as mobile security can mitigate these risks. Optimize the use of your business’ mobile devices, boost employee productivity, increase revenue and reduce device and data expenses by keeping wireless connections secure.

KMB Has the Tools to Protect Your Mobile Solutions

At KMB, we understand how important it is to keep your data safe from hackers. With years of experience, we focus on technology logistics, so you don’t have to. Several of our services include penetration testing, vulnerability analysis, network testing and evaluation and security assessment and authorization compliance. From IT gap analysis, IT, strategic and technical consulting, we are able to determine the best methods of protecting your company’s mobile devices. We will develop security policies, set up firewall intrusion protection, and implement intrusion detection systems for any size business or organization. No matter what protective services or consultations your company requires, KMB has the experience and knowledge to protect your network from becoming compromised. Contact us today to get started!