Structural Analysis

KMB’s licensed professional structural engineers have a vast amount of telecommunication project design and modification experience including:

  • Rooftops
  • Monopoles
  • Guyed Towers
  • Broadcast AM/FM/UHF Towers
  • Chimneys
  • Lattice Towers
  • Stealth Structures
  • Small Cells
  • Water Tanks
  • Tennant Buildouts

KMB Structural Analysis Process

As a full-service engineering firm, our in-depth knowledge of structural design, construction and modification reinforcement enables us to provide the most comprehensive and cost efficient structural designs for our clients.

Starting with a baseline structural analysis, KMB utilizes both commercial and proprietary software including:

  • tnxTower
  • RISA3D
  • TSE Tower
  • L-Pile
  • O-Calc

Telecommunication Towers Structural Analysis Report

Structural analysis reports provide a detailed analysis of the existing conditions, effects of the proposed loading and recommendations.

KMB is an AT&T TARP approved vendor.

KMB’s comprehensive report includes:

  • Summary of structural analysis findings
  • Analysis of structure loading conditions
  • Existing stress concerns
  • Steel structure finite element model
  • Conclusion and recommendations

Questions About Structural Analysis?

The Telecommunications Industry Association’s Structural Standard for Antenna Supporting Structures and Antennas (TIA-222-G) requires that a communication structure be analyzed prior to any modification to the equipment mounted on the structure. These standards are constantly evolving, so consulting with expert telecom structural analysts that are fully up-to-date on all regulations is imperative. Does your tower meet the current structural standards?

If you own a building that supports antenna structures you need to ensure the design takes into account TIA-222 loading in accordance with your state code adoption regulations.

Consult with one of our engineers about telecommunication towers structural analysis today.